Contact First Choice Payday Loans
First Choice Payday Loans has helped many people when they are going through financial hard times. Whether you need money to pay off bills, purchase clothes or groceries, you can get a short term loan to help you. Contact us today to get started. Many people seem to think that finances will not get better unless you get a lot of money, which is untrue. With a short term loan, you can get the money you need while handling your financial situation. Although, First Choice Payday Loans recommends that if you do borrow money, you should not borrow more than you can manage. The purpose of a short term loan is to let you borrow money and repay the funds quickly. If you borrow more than you can handle, you will have a difficult time repaying the funds.

Call Us
601-428-0881 | Monday – Sunday

Main Office
1215 W 5th St. Laurel, MS 39440
Contact Us Form
When you are needing payday loan services, we recommend that you fill out a contact us form. Please complete all requested fields. This is so we can respond to you within a timely manner. If you are looking for an immediate response, please contact us by phone. An associate can help you with all of your inquiries and answer any questions you may have. First Choice Payday Loans is there for you when you need us the most. We understand what it takes to overcome financial situations and we will be there to help you every step of the way. However, you have to take the first step and apply. We have created a simple and stress free way to apply and get approved. You can even receive your approved funds the same day, if this option is available for you.